Vignettes - Portrait of a Black Man.  By Davinchi - CD Album Cover Artwork - Nick's Favorite Promotional Artwork

Davinchi - Vingettes - Portrait of a Black Man
CD Album Cover Artwork

Other than mix CDs and the like, this was the first real album cover that I designed. I really love designing album cover artwork, due to the fact that, regardless of what is contained inside, it is what people see first, and what can draw a new listener based on how compelling the artwork is. Plus, the design needs to be indicative of the artist for which the CD was made. This particular one was so right-on-point that even Davinchi, who had other plans for the cover, instantly loved it and abandoned his other plan. Posters were made of it and people all over praised the artwork. But I love it for its understanding of the subject matter. I particularly like the notes of his that I took, scanned in and used as the background. These are vignettes into his soul... what could be better than the words that inspired the songs contained on the CD?

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