nick, nic, nik, nyc, nyk,  nich, nickelodeon, nickel, nicky, nikki, nicki, nikky, nickname, knick, nickerbocker, nick at night, nick at nite,  nickcentric, nickapotapuss, nickodemus, nicodemus, nikodemus, nickademus, st. nick, "st." nick, saint nick, nicolas, nicholas, nickolas, nick of time Nick Steglich is on a mission to become the most widely searched for and found 'Nick' on this planet.  Nick hopes to rank number 1 on the google search results by the year 2010.  Nick is using his knowledge of search engine optimization and a little luck to make this happen. Nick Nick Nick. Go Back To Nick's Home Page. Nick Steglich in all his Glory and Splendor!  Check out TONS of photos of Nick that he uses for dating site profiles, social networking, or just so he has to look at his ugly mug over and over again.
  Nick's Graphic, Photographic and Animated Series' Nick's Photography - Still Life, Macro, Panoramics, Portraits, Action, Time-Lapse and Generally Artistic Stuff Nick's Favorite Things.  And Not Just A Few!  These Are Nick's Most Favorite Nickmade Items - Series, Animations, Random Photoshopped Pictures, Photography, Music... The Creme de la Creme of Nick. Nick's Music - Yes, That's Right, Nick Makes Music, Too!  Hear Nick Here. Nick's NickCentric Lifestyle - Some Might Think That This Is All About Nick's Ego.  And They'd Be Right! Nick. Nick. Nick, and Nick.  Nick's Things to Live & Die For - The People, Places, Things & All Of The Many Reasons Why Life Is Worth Living For Nick Nick's Favorite Places To Visit Online & Off So many Nicks. so very little time.  Here are some other Nicks on this planet, plus some extraneous Nick Steglich links.
  Nickcentriccity is an unusual thing.  When Nick was faced with the challenge of  explaining how he was eccentric - and Nick IS eccentric - he found it hard to sum up.  So nick put together this website to help explain. Nick Steglich is a man of many talents.  Nick enjoys art in nearly every form it comes.  Colors excite Nick.  Music moves Nick.  Motion envigorates Nick. Nick hopes to Nickify the entire world.  Nick wants his name out there and he is going to employ every tactic he knows. Nick is omnipresent.  Mostly, omni-looking-for-a-cute-girl-to-marry.  So here are soem links to Nick's social networking and dating site profiles.
  Nick has worked for UMass Amherst, Positronic Design, Gavity Switch, and a multitude of other freelance clients including Salem Cycle, Pedipress, Ferdie's Soccer-Magic,  and Bentley College Nick's friends and family mean everything to him.  Nick's sister Kirsten is absolutely one of the most intelligent and talented people he knows.  Nick's parents, Helmar and Nanine are the whole reason why Nick is so deeply steeped in the visual and technical arts.  They are wonderful people and Nick loves them with all he has. Nick's friends are like his family.  Matt Natti, Dan Shuman, EJ Dawson, Scott Gasper, Andy Gerard, Kate Ferris, Pearl Annis, Mike Golson, Jon Morris, Rick Burnett, Jeremy Waltz, Yan Campbell... Nick loves them all. There are several places where nick feels most at home; places where Nick goes to get away or feel stable or  get back to being Nick.  These are places like Mt. Pollucks, Mutti's House, Tuckerman's Ravine, Crocker Park, Mt. Auburn Cemetery and Salem Willows.

Nanine & Helmar Steglich - Nick's Parents and two of the people who Nick would live and die for!My Parents: Nanine & Helmar. What can I say? They are my parents. They aren't perfect, but they have been perfect parents and have raised me (and my sister) with a vested interest in instilling love, honor, trust, compassion, truth, and belief in all things good. They are clearly the major components that would make up the dicotomy of Nick Steglich.

My mother is easily one of the most versatile artists I have ever known - having worked with everything from silk-screening to sculpture, from pencil sketches to refinishing furniture. She is an amazing and recognized artist and I have actually established conversations that lead to great and lasting friendships as a result of her artwork. She has an eye for this world that is hard to duplicate. She comes from a very artistic and European-influenced background. Both of her parents were artists and collectors, and so her youth was filled with a creative in and output that formed her into the person she is today.

My father is very realistic, structured, and intelligent. He's an engineer, which is fitting for that mindset. He is a happy guy who finds great pleasure in figuring out problems, creating solutions where none existed before, fixing, building, enhancing and inventing. He's a quiet kind of guy, and I would guess it's because he is usually buried deep within his own mind, working on ideas or solving some sort of unseen quandary. He can fix just about anything. And at the very least, he will try a good couple dozen times before he claims that he can't. He is also very resourceful and is not afraid to ask for help if it is more efficient to do so. He is stubborn at times, but not so much that it gets in the way of his constant push to move forward. He, too, is compassionate and caring really cares about who people are and how to make them happy.

These two people found each other and have jointly instilled these traits unto me. One might expect that the child of two parents would a perfect mix of the two. But I find that it is an uncanny pairing and outcome that I am seemingly a 50/50 split between them. My sister is as well, though she tends to be more like my mom. Regardless... I find that I am equally drawn to technology as I am art. Chaos as I am structure. Not that my mother is chaotic or anything, but art in general is chaos, and so one must perceive the world around them a bit more chaotically than other might. And the values that they have shared - compassion, trust, love... these are all teh founding principals on which my entire life has been built. So one might find that taking a ball of blue clay and a ball of yellow clay, mixed together would equal me, the green, and now slightly larger than original lump o' clay. Yeah.. that's one thing that is a little off.. I stand about 6 inches taller than anyone else in my family. They are all the exact same height, except for me. Very odd.


My parents have also been incredible sources of support and understanding for me over the years. I have always tried to honor them and deal with things on my own - to save them from the need to take care of me. But when I fall, I fall hard. And they have always been there to pick me up and send me in the right direction. They have always tried to set me straight and instill in me a sense of propriety for all aspects of my life - be it financially, in love, in outlook on life, etc. They have never told me that I couldn't do something, and have supported me in good choices and bad, knowing that I would learn the lessons on my own. Sure, they have tried to veer me away fro the really stuoid ideas, and for the most part, I think they have succeeded. But when I don't, I do my best to understand what went wrong and try to fix it - for me, but also for them. It is a symbiotic relationship, I think. And a great one at that. I make mention of it because I see so many other families out there... some new and in the beginning stages of finding their way, and some who have been through years of trial and tribulation, and I can't honestly say that I know any other family as well-rounded and put together as mine. My parents never gave up. They never gave in and said they couldn't do it. They represent moral standards that don't seem to exist anymore. And they taught - whether they meant to or not - all of those to both my sister and me. I am certainly not saying that we, as a family, are any better than anyone else's family... but I will say that my parents are far and away the best parents a guy like me could ever ask for, dream of, or describe to an audience of the world. If you haven't met them, you are missing out. That, my friends, is a promise.

This site is owned and maintained by Nick Steglich.  Nick reserves all rights to all materials posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Nick has many websites that all explain his various abilities and skills.  Nick's other main repository for his artwork can be located at
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Nick's business which he has with a couple of close friends - Andy Gerard, EJ Dawson, Rick Burnett and others is another great way to find information on and about Nick Steglich.  Go to
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