Privacy Policy
This site is meant entirely as a dedication to the people I love.
It is also a showcasing of my artwork. I use some first names in
conjunction with imagery of said people. This will be the only use
of any information that was not created solely by me, Nick J. Steglich.
Should any of this information be considered inappropriate for any
reason, I will be happy to remove it from the site. I ask that you
please simply contact me and ask
me to remove it. I will tend to it with all due-dilligence, and
without reprocussion to you. I understand that some folks may not
want any information - however slight it may be - online and obtainable
by anyone on the internet. It is not, nor will it ever be my intention
to violate any personal privacy, and I promise to uphold this policy
to that end.
If you have any problems, questions or concerns, please feel free
to contact me. Thank you!